Orthopedic Acupuncture and Dry Needling
One of Catherine Dayhoff's main specialties is orthopedic acupuncture which includes in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology, neurology, trigger points, motor points, the fascial network and biomechanical dysfunction; some of which is defined as dry needling or intramuscular needling. Orthopedic acupuncture intervention helps to manage pain and injuries of the musculoskeletal system as well as improving movement impairment. The musculoskeletal system includes joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves and the structures that support the neck, back and limbs. Orthopedic acupuncture is a valuable treatment for muscle tightness, spasm, muscle spasticity, swelling, and painful trigger points. This practice is based on both modern physiology, neurology and biomechanics and clinically effective evidence based traditional Eastern medicine, also known as acupuncture.
This is where East meets West ~ the best of both medical systems combined.
How it works:
This is where East meets West ~ the best of both medical systems combined.
How it works:
- Orthopedic acupuncture reprograms the body via neural reprogramming. Neural reprograming happens at the soft tissue level that communicates via the neural network. This process encourages muscle and tendon systems to unwind, relax and allow for lengthening of tight bands of muscle. This process reduces and eliminates pain.
- This therapeutic treatment does not require uncomfortable manual therapy or painful needling. Orthopedic acupuncture is very effective without the discomfort associated with other types of therapies or needling.
- During and after treatment, patients feel a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. Relaxation has an important role in healing. When the nervous system is free from tension and stress the body can begin the healing process. Until the nervous system gets the signal that it is safe to relax it wont allow for full healing to begin.
- A reduction of pain should be noticed within the first 24-48 hours after treatment.
- Orthopedic Acupuncture is effective for all types of acute or chronic pain conditions or injuries. You can refer to the list below for more details on what I have had success treating.
Acupuncture treats dis-ease by activating the body's innate, or natural, ability to heal. The practice of acupuncture is a sophisticated medicine, developed and evolved over the last three millennia (3,000 years), and is still evolving today. Acupuncture looks at each person individually, as a unique set of signs and symptoms combined with each persons unique constitution and health history, to create a multi faceted treatment plan focused on optimal health and healing. Acupuncture is very relaxing and quite effective for many conditions.
Relaxation: Stress and Anxiety ReductionDecrease your stress and anxiety with gentle and soothing acupuncture. Feel a deep relaxation wash over your body and take some needed self care time to replenish your reserves and calm your nerves. Patients report being able to navigate life better and handle over whelming situation more effectively. Many of my patients incorporate acupuncture with other things like counseling, prescription medication, exercise and meditation etc.
A specialty that all acupuncturist share is wellness and prevention. I look at the body much like taking care of a car. We take our car for oil changes every three or so months, get a tune up every year or so etc. Our bodies are the same. We need to care for body so it can run smoothly for optimal health. Seasonal treatments are perfect for transitioning between each season to tune up our body, and balancing our systems. Next time you see an acupuncturist, tell them you want a "tune up."
Dr. Catherine Dayhoff, DAOM, Dipl.Ac, LAc
410 Myrtle Street
Mount Vernon, WA 98273 |
~ Patient Testimonials ~
"This was my first time ever going to an Acupuncturist. I've had severe pain in my right shoulder down to my elbow for 8 months. The pain was so bad that I couldn't even open a car door, carry groceries sleep through
the night or even dress myself without crying my eyes out on most days. I had tried Cortisone injections, Chiropractic, magnets, Physical Therapy, pain pills, arm and shoulder braces etc....Nothing worked.
Then, I found Catherine Dayhoff. She is amazing! I've actually played a few games of darts with my husband and I haven't been able to do any of this in a very long time. Every day I am feeling better. I am so thankful for Catherine. I didn't think I would ever feel good again. Thank you!!!!" ~ Shari
Conditions treated
This list is not exhaustive, if you do not see the condition you are looking for,
you can email questions to [email protected]
you can email questions to [email protected]
Motor Vehicle Accidents