Acupuncture Research
This compilation of clinical trials from the Cochrane Central Register of Clinical Trials was started in February 2009 and repeated every year for the professions of Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Nursing care and Chiropractic. The chart below shows that Acupuncture has been the most studied complimentary medicine since 2009 (acupuncture research started long before 2009 though).
Research is finally catching up to the practice of acupuncture, a medical practice that is centuries old, and we are now understanding the how and why it works so well, but there is still so much we don't understand yet.
Acupuncture is centered in science, it is safe and effective.
Research is finally catching up to the practice of acupuncture, a medical practice that is centuries old, and we are now understanding the how and why it works so well, but there is still so much we don't understand yet.
Acupuncture is centered in science, it is safe and effective.