What to Expect - Acupuncture
What happens during your acupuncture appointment?
During your initial appointment, I will look at all the contributing factors to create a treatment plan that will get you out of pain and help you understand your condition better. A full history is conducted of when your condition started, any combinations of factors that might be contributing to it, and impressions review of MRI or Ex-rays. Catherine listens to any concerns or questions you have. After the initial health history, she may do orthopedic testing to target what muscles are affected as well as palpate for tenderness and active trigger points. The acupuncture treatments are gentle and effective giving you immediate results. |
Do Acupuncture needles hurt?
Acupuncture needles do not feel like getting a shot or giving blood. Acupuncture needles are hair thin, and flexible. In fact, 20 acupuncture needles can fit inside the opening of a hypodermic needle.
However, you might feel some sensations during your treatment. Sometimes you may feel a prick - like getting a mosquito bite. There may be slight tingling or a sense of fullness during the placement or adjustment of the needles.
Acupuncture needles do not feel like getting a shot or giving blood. Acupuncture needles are hair thin, and flexible. In fact, 20 acupuncture needles can fit inside the opening of a hypodermic needle.
However, you might feel some sensations during your treatment. Sometimes you may feel a prick - like getting a mosquito bite. There may be slight tingling or a sense of fullness during the placement or adjustment of the needles.
Are there any side-effects from acupuncture?
Rarely side-effects are felt from acupuncture. Sometime there maybe slight bruising or soreness, especially if cupping or Gua Sha therapy is applied. You may feel lightheaded or ungrounded after a session but that is usually avoided when a small snack is consumed before or after a session. Occasionally there is an emotional release.
When people complain of worsening symptoms or fatigue after receiving acupuncture, it is actually a sign of healing. If Qi is blocked somewhere in the body, uncomfortable symptoms can be felt as the Qi resumes it's normal flow in the body. To understand this, imagine a clogged street drain after a storm that is full of branches and leaves. The rain water will build up and begin to overflow into the street; when those leaves and branches are removed, the water can then drain off the street and things regain normalcy. Qi behaves in the same way.
If you notice your symptoms getting worse after your session, contact me. I can suggest ways to reduce your discomfort and speed the healing process.
Rarely side-effects are felt from acupuncture. Sometime there maybe slight bruising or soreness, especially if cupping or Gua Sha therapy is applied. You may feel lightheaded or ungrounded after a session but that is usually avoided when a small snack is consumed before or after a session. Occasionally there is an emotional release.
When people complain of worsening symptoms or fatigue after receiving acupuncture, it is actually a sign of healing. If Qi is blocked somewhere in the body, uncomfortable symptoms can be felt as the Qi resumes it's normal flow in the body. To understand this, imagine a clogged street drain after a storm that is full of branches and leaves. The rain water will build up and begin to overflow into the street; when those leaves and branches are removed, the water can then drain off the street and things regain normalcy. Qi behaves in the same way.
If you notice your symptoms getting worse after your session, contact me. I can suggest ways to reduce your discomfort and speed the healing process.
Is acupuncture a placebo?
This is the question of the decade and is hotly contested by some in the scientific community. There have been many studies that have been published that either prove or disprove the efficacy of acupuncture over the last decade or so. My response to this query is this; how can Chinese Medicine survive thousands of years by placebo alone? I have witnessed acupuncture work on myself and my patients with extraordinary results. I do not doubt the efficacy of acupuncture and recommend it often to those that can benefit from the several millenniums of innovation. For perspective, Western Medicine is only about hundred years in it's infancy, comparatively.
With that said, many studies are poorly designed with too small of a sample size or subjective results. Acupuncture has a broad application and is hard to shrink down into clear cut methods that would allow for relevant testing criteria. Therefore, study results will often be hard pressed to show any valuable data.
This is the question of the decade and is hotly contested by some in the scientific community. There have been many studies that have been published that either prove or disprove the efficacy of acupuncture over the last decade or so. My response to this query is this; how can Chinese Medicine survive thousands of years by placebo alone? I have witnessed acupuncture work on myself and my patients with extraordinary results. I do not doubt the efficacy of acupuncture and recommend it often to those that can benefit from the several millenniums of innovation. For perspective, Western Medicine is only about hundred years in it's infancy, comparatively.
With that said, many studies are poorly designed with too small of a sample size or subjective results. Acupuncture has a broad application and is hard to shrink down into clear cut methods that would allow for relevant testing criteria. Therefore, study results will often be hard pressed to show any valuable data.
Why do you turn the needles?
When I turn the needles I am checking to see if the Qi is activated and helps move the Qi for increase efficacy.
When I turn the needles I am checking to see if the Qi is activated and helps move the Qi for increase efficacy.
Will acupuncture needles make me bleed?
Generally, no. Sometimes there is a small droplet of blood when the needles are removed that is wiped away with a cotton ball. Acupuncture needles are very fine.
Generally, no. Sometimes there is a small droplet of blood when the needles are removed that is wiped away with a cotton ball. Acupuncture needles are very fine.
Do you reuse acupuncture needles?
No, acupuncture needles are not reused. Acupuncture needles are one use disposable stainless steel. Acupuncturists use a needle once while practice clean needle technique and dispose of it into a designated sharps container.
No, acupuncture needles are not reused. Acupuncture needles are one use disposable stainless steel. Acupuncturists use a needle once while practice clean needle technique and dispose of it into a designated sharps container.